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Join Us


Looking For Membership?

New members of all ages and abilities are very welcome at Ryecroft. This page details our membership categories, subscription rates and how to join.


To complement our traditional annual memberships, we offer monthly, cancel at any time memberships for all categories, making it even easier for you to join and play.

Subscription Payments

We offer two methods of payment:


Lump Sum – pay a lump sum by debit or credit card or a single direct debit via ClubSpark, which will provide you with membership until 31 March 2026.


Monthly – payments are made by monthly direct debit via the ClubSpark system.  You may stop payment at any time and cancel your membership. Should you wish to re-join the club within the following 12 months you are required to pay the missing payments.

Need some help?

Have questions?


Please get in touch via:


Questions on the joining process?

Iain Campbell, Membership Secretary

0161 486 1422


Questions regarding Tennis?



Questions regarding Bowling?

Gloria Brasted, Bowling Secretary 0161 485 4146


We are here to find the perfect membership for you!

Other Membership Categories


Family Household – 2 seniors, unlimited under 18’s

Per month - £46.58

From now until 31/03/26 - £559

Annual fee - £559

Family Household – 1 senior, unlimited under 18’s

Per month - £28.83

From now until 31/03/26 - £346

Annual fee - £346

Senior – aged 30+ (born in 1995 or earlier)

Per month - £21.50

From now until 31/03/26 - £258

Annual fee - £258

Senior – aged 26-29 (born 1996 to 1999)

Per month - £13.83

From now until 31/03/26 - £166

Annual fee  - £166

Senior – aged 18-25 (born 2000 to 2007)

Per month - £10.50

From now until 31/03/26 - £126

Annual fee - £126

Student 18 - 25 in full-time education AND living away from home during term time

Per month - £7.83

From now until 31/03/26 - £94

Annual fee - £94

Junior – aged 12-17 (born 2008 to 2013)

Per month - £7.00

From now until 31/03/26 - £84

Annual fee - £84

Junior – aged under 12 (born during or after 2014)

Per month - £3.67

From now until 31/03/26 - £44

Annual fee - £44

Note: Juniors may apply to the Executive Committee to play Bowling and Snooker – no additional subscription fee will apply.

How To Join

Join On-line (Monthly Payment or Lump Sum)


Click below to register and and join on-line via the Clubspark system.  You can choose to pay monthly or by a single direct debit  for the remainder of the year.


The ClubSpark website will lead you through registration, completing the application form and setting up payment.



Complete An Application Form (Lump Sum Only)


Application forms are available inside the clubhouse. Please complete an application form and return it to Iain Campbell, or leave it in the postbox inside the clubhouse.  


Please contact Iain Campbell at if you need any assistance or have any questions.

Our Bowling membership package includes Bowling, Snooker, Darts and Table Tennis along with full access to the Social events at the Club.


Our Parent Tennis membership allows for a parent to play tennis with a Junior (under 12) member child.  Parent & child pay for separate memberships.  The parent also has access to the Snooker, Darts, Table Tennis and Social events at the Club.


Our Social & Indoor Sports membership package includes Snooker, Darts and Table Tennis along with full access to the Social events at the Club.

Our Friend of Ryecroft membership is aimed at ex-members who want to keep-in-touch with the club. It carries no right to attend sporting or social events as a member, and has no voting rights.



Bowling with Social and Indoor Sports

Per month - £8.92

From now until 31/03/26 - £107

Annual fee - £107

Parent membership playing Tennis only with a Junior Under 12 member

Per month - £5.92

From now until 31/03/26 - £71

Annual fee - £71

Social & Indoor Sports

Per month - £4.33

From now until 31/03/26  - £52

Annual fee  - £52

Friend of Ryecroft

Monthly instalment option not available

From now until 31/03/26 - £15

Annual fee £15

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Company Name


All Sports membership categories

Our All Sports membership packages include Tennis, Bowling, Snooker, Darts and Table Tennis along with full access to the Social events at the Club. Subscription fees are:

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