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Tennis (Senior)

£3.00 per day


Snooker & Whist

£1.00 per day



£2.00 per day


Tennis (Junior)

£1.00 per day


Subject to the provisions of Rule No. 17



Rule 17


VISITORS. Upon introduction by a member and upon payment of the prescribed fee or fees, visitors may use the privileges of the Club provided that:


a) If residing within a radius of 10 miles from the Club they may not be able to avail themselves of such privileges on more than six occasions in any one year. Tennis visitors are restricted to no more than three times per annum,


b) If residing outside the foregoing radius they shall be allowed the privileges on terms to be decided by the Executive Committee,


c) In every case, the visitor’s name and address must be entered in the visitor’s book, signed by the introducing member and the appropriate fee paid.


Members of visiting teams taking part in matches, competitions and other events organised by the Club shall be deemed to be temporary members of the Club for the day or days on which the events take place. The sale of liquor to non-members is prohibited unless they are bona fide guests of members.

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